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Lighting and Compositing Artist

Textures & Shading

I was responsible for shading all aspects of the second main character in "Grendel", Beowulf. Textured in Mari, rendered with Renderman. (2017)

Miki Eliza shading surfacing demo reel portfolio

Responsible for all aspects. Modeled in Maya and rendered in Houdini, entitled "Nightmare After Christmas". Gumdrop sugar-coated look accomplished with emission maps, gummy bear shader accomplished using liquid shaders. Boy shadow in the back is a gobo. Some aspects sculpted in Zbrush. (2015)

Turnaround of the gingerbread house. (2015)

A detail of Beowulf's axe shader.

Material Spheres rendered in Renderman as a textures test for "Grendel". The film is a spoof on the Beowulf legend, and therefore requires many viking-related textures. I was part of the Research and Development team, and as such was tasked with learning/teaching Renderman and exploring different lighting and shading styles. (2017)

Miki Eliza shader  BYU Grendel
Miki Eliza shader BYU Grendel

A shield shader done for "Grendel". Given the above concept and the modeled asset by Ben Puente, I was tasked with creating the shader for the shield. The ropes are entirely bump and displacement, as well as the wood.

Done in Renderman.

Another shield shader for "Grendel", based on the below concept. Renderman.

Miki Eliza shader BYU
Miki Eliza shader BYU

Based on Vanessa's concept and Ben's model, I textured and shaded this clay pot mug using Mari and Houdini's Renderman. This is the mug to be used by Grendel, the sophisticated and gentle monster who lives in a cottage and is hated by Beowulf and his minion vikings.

Concept for Grendel's clay mug by Vanessa Palmer.

Render of CG snail shading and texture by Miki Eliza

A still render of the snail. Shaded and lit in Houdini. (2016)

Responsible for all aspects. Acorn procedurally shaded in Houdini. Cap painted in Mari and displaced in custom-built shader. Body of acorn 100% procedurally shaded.

Misc. Projects & Skills

"Valgard the Viking"

Responsible for all aspects. A short animation of one of my favorite lego mini-figs ever. Just a fun little project I did a while back to try my hand at animation. 


Shaded, lit, and rendered in Houdini. Modeled and animated in Maya. Responsible for all aspects (minus the soundtrack, which is property of Disney). (2015)

Responsible for all aspects. Log sculpted in Zbrush, rendered in Houdini; rain FX done in Houdini. This piece was sent to SideFX as an example of student work using Houdini. 

Miki Eliza jellyfish portfolio demo reel

Jellyfish modeled and shaded in Maya. Tentacles accomplished with N-cloth simulation and transparency maps. (2013)

Responsible for all aspects. A part of a high school biology course that I created during my time with BYU Independent Study in 2016. 

Responsible for all aspects. An FX test I did in 2016 to convey the feeling of a broken spell.

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